Customize assignment of hardware keys on Algiz 8X and Algiz 10X V3

The Algiz 8X and Algiz 10X V3 have two hardware keys (F1, F2), which you can reassign to your needs.

To change the assignment follow the steps below:

  1. Download on the Algiz unit.
  2. Create a new folder “C:\SendKeyWindows”. Extract “” to the folder.
  3. Press the menu button to open the Hottab application.
  4. Click on Setting.
  5. To assign the F1 key, click on Function 1. To assing the F2 key, click on Function 2.
  6. Click on the magnifier icon:

    In the search box, navigate to the folder C:\SendKeyWindows. Choose the file with the assignment you need. For example: SendKeyWindows_ESC.exe will simulate the ESCAPE key press. Click on the <Open> button in the search box.
  7. Done! Now the hardware key will work with the assigned function when pressed.

If you do not find the assignment you need, feel free to contact our support team and we will take care of a solution

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