Update BIOS on ALGIZ 7


  • USB flash drive
  • USB keyboard


  1. Make a bootable USB drive – You will find instructions on how to do that here.
  2. Extract the latest BIOS onto the USB flash drive. Download BIOS for your device below. 
    Algiz 7 V1 with u-blox
    Algiz 7 V1 without u-blox
    Algiz 7 V2
  3. Plug the USB flash drive and the USB keyboard into the Algiz 7.
  4. Start the Algiz 7 and on the USB keyboard repeatedly press the F11 key for Algiz 7 V1 or the F3 key for Algiz 7 V2 until you see the boot device selection.
  5. Select the USB flash drive and press the ENTER key.
    configurations on screen
  6. Navigate to the folder from step 2, enter update and press ENTER.
  7. The BIOS update will now start and the Algiz 7 will reboot when the update is complete.
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