WEH 6.5 OS for NAUTIZ X1


Micro SD memory card with minimum 1GB.


  1. Format the SD card in FAT32 format.
  2. Unzip the Release Package from the download at the bottom and copy the binaries to the SD card.
    windows screenshot
  3. Insert the SD Card into the Nautiz X1 and turn on the unit.
  4. Connect the unit to the AC charger.
  5. Open File Explorer.
  6. Go to Windows folder.
  7. Launch the ImageUpdater.exe application.
    windows 6.5 screenshot
  8. Select all options.
    windows 6.5 screenshot
  9. Press the Start Update button.
  10. A message box will appear asking Start update. Press Yes.
    windows 6.5 screenshot
  11. After this, you see the following message.
    windows 6.5 screenshot
  12. Now restart the unit.
    12.1 Keep pressing the Power button to show Power Menu.
    12.2 Click Reboot button.
    windows 6.5 screenshot
  13. Now the unit will restart and update the operating system.
  14. Once the update is completed, the device will be booted into the Windows operating system.

Release notes

  • Version 1.1.4 (Release 11)
    – Fixed bug: delayed GSM module shutdown.
  • Version 1.1.4 (Release 9)
    – Fixed a bug where the touch driver stopped working after performing a “reboot”.
    – Added Network Selector for modem.
    – Fixed a bug using the vibrator programmatically.
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