Utilize hotkeys (F1, F2, F3) for camera snapshots

There is a way to take snapshots in the HotTab camera application, using one of the F-keys on Algiz 7 and Algiz 10X units. Follow the steps below to proceed.

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files(x86)\Hottab\Hottab
  2. Copy file HottabCfg.ini file to the Desktop.
    This is an important step as you will be unable to save the file in it’s original location if edited in C:\Program Files(x86)\Hottab\Hottab.
  3. Double click file HottabCfg.ini on the Desktop to open it in an editor. 
  4. Scroll down and locate HotKeyCameraSnapshot=0. Change the assinged value of HotKeyCameraSnapshot=0 to HotKeyCameraSnapshot=1.
  5. Save and close the HottabCfg.ini file
  6. Copy the file from the Desktop back to folder C:\Program Files\Hottab\Hottab and overwrite the existing file. You may get a warning stating that you need administrator privileges to complete this task. Select Continue.
  7. Restart the unit 

Assign the camera to a function key

To assign the camera to a function key on the device, do the following.

  1. Open HotTab on the device.
  2. Select the Settings icon.
  3. Select the Function Key that you would like to assign the Camera to.
  4. Select Short Press from the menu then Camera.
  5. Exit out of HotTab.
  6. Short press the Function key that you assigned the Camera to.
  7. The Camera will start and will show the preview screen.
  8. Now press F2 short again and a snapshot will be taken.
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