January 13, 2023
There is a way to take snapshots in the HotTab camera application, using one of the F-keys on Algiz 7 and Algiz 10X units. Follow the steps below to proceed.
- Open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files(x86)\Hottab\Hottab.
- Copy file HottabCfg.ini file to the Desktop. This is an important step as you will be unable to save the file in it’s original location if edited in C:\Program Files(x86)\Hottab\Hottab.
- Double click file HottabCfg.ini on the Desktop to open it in an editor.
- Scroll down and locate HotKeyCameraSnapshot=0. Change the assinged value of HotKeyCameraSnapshot=0 to HotKeyCameraSnapshot=1.
- Save and close the HottabCfg.ini file.
- Copy the file from the Desktop back to folder C:\Program Files\Hottab\Hottab and overwrite the existing file. You may get a warning stating that you need administrator privileges to complete this task. Select Continue.
- Restart the unit
Assign the camera to a function key
To assign the camera to a function key on the device, do the following.
- Open HotTab on the device.
- Select the Settings icon.
- Select the Function Key that you would like to assign the Camera to.
- Select Short Press from the menu then Camera.
- Exit out of HotTab.
- Short press the Function key that you assigned the Camera to.
- The Camera will start and will show the preview screen.
- Now press F2 short again and a snapshot will be taken.