Using the RFID reader

Below you can find a few options if you are using any of the following RFID readers:

  • Nautiz X2 / NX2-1030
  • Nautiz X2 / NX2-XX-1043
  • Nautiz X2 / NX2EXP-LF
  • Nautiz X2 / NX2EXP-LF-001
  • Nautiz X6 / NX6EXP-LF01
  • Nautiz X6 / NX6EXP-LF02
  • Nautiz X6 / NX6V2EXP-LF01

Keyboard mode 

If you want to be able to trigger a scan with a hardware button and want the tag ID to appear in any text field, you can do that without any custom code or development. For this, we have created a tool called Anysend. This tool runs in the background and writes any tag that gets scanned as keyboard input. 

You can find the tool here. Make sure to download the correct version for your hardware. When opening Anysend for the first time, make sure that output mode is set to Keyboard. 

This mode is also perfect for just demoing the reader itself.

Simple integration into your app 

If you want the same easy-of-use as the keyboard mode but need to receive the tag id in your code instead of a text field, Anysend can also help you with that. 

You can find the tool here. Make sure to download the correct version for your hardware. When opening Anysend for the first time, make sure that output mode is set to Broadcast. 

In this mode, Anysend will send out a broadcast for each scan that can be received by your app.

Custom integration 

If you need full control over the RFID reader, you can develop your own integration. This will require your app to take care of the serial communication and implement the protocol of the reader module. 

Please note that this depends on the reader hardware. You can find a demo app with the source code and documentation for each module below. 

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