Update Android OS on NAUTIZ X2

OTA (Over the Air Update)

The most common way to update your handheld device is with the built-in OTA system.

To look for and install updates, open

Android 6: Settings > About device > System updates.
Android 7: Settings > About device > System updates.
Android 9: Settings > System > Advanced > System updates.
Android 11: Settings > System > System updates.

(If you have a problem with the Android OTA update, please check so you have the latest official version from here.)

Manual update

If you don’t want to install the update via OTA, you can do it manually by following these steps.

  1. Download the latest OS zip file for Nautiz X2 here.
    It’s not possible to install Android 5 on a unit with Android 6 or install Android 6 on a unit with Android 5 without sending in the unit to service.
  2. Place the update zip file on your device. You can either copy it to the internal storage or the SD card.
  3. Open the OTA app (look above for the different Android versions).
  4. Tap the SD card icon or tap the meny and chose Install manual update in the top-right corner and confirm the dialog.
  5. Navigate to the update zip file and press OK.
  6. Confirm the selection and wait for the installation to finish. The device will restart on its own once the update is done.
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