u-blox GPS firmware installation/updating

  1. Make sure that GPS is enabled in Hottab.
  2. Open u-center.
  3. Open the correct COM port to the u-blox GPS module. By default, it is COM3:
  4. Go to Tools > Legacy Firmware Update…
  5. At the “Firmware image” field click the browse button and select the firmware file (*.bin):
  6. At “Flash Information Structure…” click the browse button and navigate to the u-center installation directory. For example “C:\Program Files (x86)\u-blox\u-center_v18.05.02”.
    Select the FIS file “flash.xml”:
  7. Make sure that all settings are done as shown in the following screenshot:
  8. Click the OK button to start the installation process.
  9. Wait till the installation process is done:
  10. Done.
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