SP500X Printing FAQ

Below you will find the most frequently asked printing questions about the Handheld SP500X ScanPrinter.

  1. How many prints?
    This is highly dependent on the label size, content, and print density. For our demo label, you can expect ~5,000 prints. Example demo label below:
  2. Can it print on wet materials?
    Not well. Wet cardboard would be okay with degradation in print quality. Wet plastics would not work.
  3. Is this a special ink?
    Yes, designed in collaboration with HP for this device. This cartridge is unique to SP500X and is only sold by Handheld.
  4. How long does it take to dry?
    Almost immediately on paper media. Dries, but can be wiped off if rubbed (think dry eraser) on more plastic media.
  5. Can I use a standard HP cartridge in the device?
    No, the ink cartridge and ink combination was designed specifically for SP500X and the unit will reject any other HP cartridges.
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