Scan UPC/EAN/JAN supplemental codes

This article applies to the Nautiz X2 with the 1D barcode scanner only.

UPC, EAN and JAN codes may all include an additional bar code to the right of the main bar code. This second bar code, which is usually not as tall as the primary bar code, is used to encode additional information for newspapers, books, and other periodicals and is referred to as a supplemental code or an addenda code and may either encode 2 or 5 digits of information.

The Nautiz X2 does not read these supplemental codes by default.


In order to scan UPC, EAN and JAN supplement addenda codes, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the file below.
  2. Extract the file to a location on your computer.
  3. Open Decode UPC supplementals.jpg and print. There are three codes listed on the sheet.
  4. Scan the corresponding code with your Nautize X2 to select the scan option you would like to perform. Options include:
    – Auto discriminates UPC, EAN and JAN supplement addenda codes.
    – Decode UPC, EAN and JAN supplement addenda codes.
    – Ignore UPC, EAN and JAN supplement.
A complete description of these scan codes are also contained in the downloaded archived file.
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