Recovering a corrupted SP500X

During customization, a user may accidentally brick or corrupt a unit. If a unit does not complete a boot-up to the active screen, it is possible to recover the unit in most circumstances by following the steps below.

  1. In order to recover a unit, put the unit into DFU mode manually by connecting the unit to the PC via a USB-C cable, then holding the check button while powering on the unit.
    The LCD will not turn on if this is done correctly.
  2. Start the software SP500X Controller. Then navigate to the Upgrade > Upgrade or Recover Menu Window and the unit will be shown under the “Available DFU Devices” drop-down menu.
  3. Click on the Restore Unit button to begin the recovery process.
  4. Once the recovery process is complete the unit will reboot and you will be prompted to start a Firmware Upgrade.
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