Perform a factory reset on ALGIZ XRW

Remember to backup all your data before initiating the factory reset as it will wipe all files and settings.

Follow the instructions below to perform a factory reset on Algiz XRW.

  1. Connect the units AC adapter to supply power during the recovery process.
  2. Start the unit.
  3. When the Handheld logo is showing on the screen, click F6 on the keypad to initiate the factory reset.
  4. When the Windows Boot Manager appears, click Enter on the keypad. Windows will start loading files.
    Windows boot manager screenshot
  5. When it is done loading you will be asked to do a 4 point calibration for the touchscreen.
  6. Recovery Wizard will show itself. Click the Recovery option. You will be getting a pop up telling you that this is going to wipe all data on the unit. Click OK to continue.
    recovery reset screenshot
  7. When the recovery process is done the unit will restart itself and you will be asked to go through the windows setup.
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