Perform a factory reset on ALGIZ RT8

Ensure that you have backed-up all critical data prior to performing a factory reset on your device as a factory reset will erase all data and will be unrecoverable.

Follow the instructions below to perform a factory reset on Algiz RT8.

  1. Power off the unit
  2. Hold Volume up and Power button until you see the boot mode menu
  3. Use volume up to select Recovery Mode
  4. Press Volume down
  5. You should see the android robot (if you see the recovery menu, skip to step 7)
  6. Hold Power and press Volume up to show the recovery menu
  7. Use the volume keys to navigate to Wipe data/Factory reset
  8. Press Power to select
  9. Confirm reset and wait for the process to finish
  10. In the recovery menu, select Reboot system now and press Power

Once these steps have been completed, your Algiz RT8 device will be at the default factory settings.

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