OTA Updates

Install from intent

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Since version 3.6.0 it is possible to trigger the installation of a local update from an intent.

To do this the action “com.handheld.updater.action.INSTALL_LOCAL_UPDATE” has to be called with a string extra called “file”.
This needs to point to the ZIP file within the Android OS file system.

See the command below for a full example.

am broadcast -a com.handheld.updater.action.INSTALL_LOCAL_UPDATE --es file "/sdcard/ota.zip"

Depending on the device and Android version, you might also have the provide the package name of the OTA app for the system to accept the intent (with -p). See the list below for the package name of each device.

Starting with version 4.0 there is also a broadcast to trigger an update check with the action “com.handheldgroup.systemupdate.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE”:

am broadcast -a com.handheldgroup.systemupdate.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE

The install command also has a new action “com.handheldgroup.systemupdate.INSTALL_LOCAL_UPDATE” but the previous one will also still work.

Package name of the OTA app on each device:

  • Algiz RT7: com.handheld.algiz.rt7
  • Algiz RT8: com.handheldgroup.ota.falcon
  • Nautiz X2 (Android 6 or 7): com.handheld.nautiz.nx2
  • Nautiz X2 (Android 9): com.handheldgroup.ota.alta
  • Nautiz X41: com.handheldgroup.ota.albatross
  • Nautiz X6: com.handheldgroup.ota.eagle
  • Nautiz X9: com.handheld.nautiz.nx9

Lock OS version

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With v4 or newer, you can use a system setting to lock the device at a specific OS version. The system will never show an update to a later OS!

The setting group is “global” and the value should be the latest OS that should be installed on the unit. For the key, see the table below.

This setting needs to be applied from an EEM system or using the MaxGo Manager or Staging apps. There is no setting in the System Update itself.
Device Key
Nautiz X2 (Android 6) handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x2_a6
Nautiz X2 (Android 7) handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x2_a7
New Nautiz X2 (Android 9) Global variant handheld.ota.os_lock_alta_GL
New Nautiz X2 (Android 9) EU variant handheld.ota.os_lock_alta_EEA
Nautiz X41 Global variant handheld.ota.os_lock_albatross_GL
Nautiz X41 EU variant handheld.ota.os_lock_albatross_EEA
Nautiz X6 Global variant handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x6
Nautiz X6 EU variant handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x6_eu
Nautiz X9 Global variant handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x9
Nautiz X9 NA variant handheld.ota.os_lock_nautiz_x9_na
Algiz RT7 handheld.ota.os_lock_algiz_rt7
Algiz RT8 Global variant handheld.ota.os_lock_algiz_rt8
Algiz RT8 EU variant handheld.ota.os_lock_algiz_rt8_eu

Config intent

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Intent action

For this app the action depends on the device. See here for a list of packages names for each device.

<<package name>>.WRITE_CONFIG

Possible values
Type Key Value Note
String update_mode -1 The update mode to use. See here for details on each mode.
-1: Manual
0: Automatic download
1: Automatic update
2: Windowed installation
4: Reboot installation (only on Android 8+ devices)
Boolean allow_metered_download true/false Download updates using mobile data.
Default: false
Boolean new_update_notification true/false Show a notification when a new update is available
Default: true
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