Installing APK-files on ALGIZ RT7

Follow the steps below in order to install APK-files on Algiz RT7.

  1. Go to Settings > Security and enable Unknown sources.
  2. a) Connect your unit to a PC and move the APK-file to the internal store.
    b) Move the APK-file to an SD card and put the SD card into the unit.
    c) Move the APK-file to a USB stick and plug that into the unit. (Make sure USB Host mode is turned on)
  3. Open the File Manager and navigate to the APK-file.
  4. Long press on the APK-file to select it. You can now select multiple APK-files if settings
  5. Press the 3 dots at the top-right and select Copy to…
    android settings
  6. Select Downloads in the left panel. If the panel doesn’t open, press the 3 lines at the settings
  7. Press COPY in the lower-right corner and wait for the process to finish.
  8. Exit the file manager and open the Downloads app.
    android settings
  9. Click the app you want to install and follow through the Android installation dialogandroid settings
  10. Done!
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