Install Windows 7 via PXE Boost on ALGIZ 10X V2

In order to install Windows 7 onto your Algiz 10X V2 tablet via PXE Boot, default modes in the BIOS need to be changed from 8/8.1 to Windows 7. Please take the following steps to prepare the BIOS on your unit.

  1. Attach a USB keyboard to the device and power the unit on. When the Handheld logo appears, begin pressing the Esc key on your USB keyboard to enter the BIOS.
  2. Tab over to the Advance settings tabs and arrow down to Miscellaneous Configuration and press enter.
    configurations on screen
  3. Scroll down to OS Selection and press enter. This will bring up a sub-menu. Select Windows 7 and press Enter then escape. You should now be back to the Miscellaneous Configuration tab.
    configurations on screen
  4. Under the Miscellaneous Configuration tab, scroll down to CSM configuration and press enter.  Change Storage & Video to Legacy Only.
    configurations on screen
  5. Press escape on the keyboard and then navigate over to the Boot Tab. Arrow down and select Boot Mode Select and press enter. Select Legacy.
    configurations on screen
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