Install OS on ALGIZ XRW

Follow the instructions below to install the latest OS on your Algiz XRW device.

You will need a USB flash drive with at least 8GB to install the OS.
  1. Download the latest OS image for Algiz XRW here and for Algiz XRW3 here. To determine if it’s an Algiz XRW or Algiz XRW3 click here.
  2. 2.1 Download Rufus from here.
    2.2 Plug in the USB flash drive.
    2.3 Open Rufus.
    2.4 Choose your device.
    2.5 Click the button next to Create a bootable disk using:
    windows screenshot
    2.6 Choose the ISO OS image from step 1 and click Open.
    2.7 Click Start and wait for the progress to finish.
  3. Plugin the USB drive and the AC charger into the Algiz XRW.
  4. Start the Algiz XRW and repeatedly press F11 on XRW or F7 on XRW3 until you see the boot device selection. 
  5. Select the USB flash drive (your USB drive probably have another name) and press the ENTER key.
    os image screenshot
  6. Select boot device.
  7. When asked, confirm you want to run the recovery using the arrow and enter keys.
  8. The Algiz XRW will now start the recovery process and will reboot after it is done.
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