Configure the NAUTIZ X6 scanner

Getting started

  1. Download the EZConfig tool from here and install the tool.
  2. Open the tool using the EZConfig-Scanning v4_IE entry from your start menu.
  3. At the bottom of the window, click Allow blocked content.
  4. Select Disconnected Device in the left side menu.
  5. In the “Search Device Number/Name” box look for “N3600” and select “Honeywell N3600
  6. Series Area Image Engine” then click on the image in the “By Device” bar.

Barcode generation setup


  • Changed Settings: Only generate codes for settings that have changed from default.
  • Selected Settings: Only generate code for changes selected in the “Configuration History” pane.
  • Clone Settings: Reset the unit to factory defaults (USB Serial according to the website), and create generate codes for changed settings.

Media Format

  • Display: Create the configuration barcode(s) in the web browser.
  • Print: Create the configuration barcodes(s) in the web browser and automatically send them to the printer.

Bar Code Type

  • 1D: Creates a series of 1D barcodes, one for each setting.
  • 2D: Creates a single 2D barcode for all settings.

Key Settings

1. Settings->Interfaces->Communications: Terminal ID

  • USB serial port emulation: Needed for SDK support, the default mode for the scanner.
  • USB HID Keyboard PC: Setups the scanner as a keyboard, will automatically append a CR to the end of the scanned data.

2. Symbologies: This section controls what symbologies are recognized by the reader.

3. Data Formatting -> Prefix/Suffix
Used to add simple prefix and/or suffix do the scanned data.

Simple on-off toggles (On by default)

Setting “Suffix Enable” to “Off” will turn off the default CR when scanning in keyboard mode.

To define a prefix and/or suffix, click on the desired Editor button and enter in the desired text. Use the Insert ASCII or Insert Keypress to add special characters to the prefix/suffix.

4. Advanced formatting

Data Formatting Settings:
Data Format Required – Keep Prefix/Suffix – Not supported
Data Formatter Off – Turns off Data Formatter rules
Data Formatter On – Not Required – Keep Prefix/Suffix: Turns on Data Formatter rules
The Data Formatter exposes many advanced features to customize the output of the scanner. It is a very powerful tool and we will only cover a few use cases here.

Please note that the prefix/suffix is always added after the Data Formatter rules have been applied.

Clicking on Editor opens up Data Formatter builder. From here you can pick from a number of Commands and Sub-Commands to build up a set of rules to format the output data. Once your set of rules have been created, click Finish to save the rules.
SAMPLE RULE 1: Trim Right 5 Characters

This simple one-command script will trim the last 5 characters from the scanned data. From the point shown above, click Add/Update then Finish to set up this rule.
SAMPLE RULE 2: Trim Left 4 Characters

First, add a rule to move the pointer to the start of the read in data.

Then move the pointer forward 4 characters.

Then send everything else in the buffer.

This is how the final Command Sequence should look.

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