Change auto screen rotation on NAUTIZ X1 WEH

The Nautiz X1 with WEH has auto screen rotate turned on by default. You can disable or reenable this functionality by following the steps below:

Disable auto screen rotate

  1. Download the DisableLCDRotate.CAB from the link at the bottom of this page.
  2. Transfer the file to the Nautiz X1 and open it.
  3. After the installation, reboot the unit by holding the Power button and selecting reboot from the menu.
  4. The auto screen rotation is now disabled.

Enable auto screen rotate

  1. Open Start > Settings > System > Remove Programs.
  2. Uninstall Handheld X1-WEH-DisableLCDRotate.
  3. Reboot the unit by holding the Power button and selecting reboot from the menu.
  4. The auto screen rotation is now enabled.
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