January 10, 2023
In this article, we’ve obtained the battery usage statistics for Handheld devices that have gone end of life. This document is intended to provide battery usage statistics while on standby time as well as on-screen time. At the bottom, it also provides charging times.
This is not meant to be a definitive battery usage guide and your individual results will vary dependent on component usage on the device and device model. Only standard batteries were used while performing these tests. Screen brightness was set at 80% of max capacity.
All RF off
- Nautiz X1 3h20m Android: 4h20m
- Nautiz X3 11h30m
- Nautiz X5 12h
- Nautiz X7 13h30m
- Algiz XRW 5h30m
- Algiz 7 4h30m
All RF on
- Nautiz X1 3h15m Android: 4h15m
- Nautiz X3 10h10m
- Nautiz X5 10h20m
- Nautiz X7 10h
- Algiz XRW 5h
- Algiz 7 3h40m
Battery charging
Only completely turned off units and original AC chargers were used while performing these tests.
- Algiz 7 2h