
The four-slot charging station for the RS60 ring scanner gives you the ability to charge up to four devices at a time. Charging utilizing pogo pins on the scan trigger attachment for a durable and easy-to-use solution.

Needs a HHRS01-1005 power brick and a C13 country-specific cable to work.


  • Up to five stations can be connected to each other in order to create a 20 slot charging station, using only one power brick.


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RS60 Four slot charging station

P/N: HHRS01-1015


The four-slot charging station for the RS60 ring scanner gives you the ability to charge up to four devices at a time. Charging utilizing pogo pins on the scan trigger attachment for a durable and easy-to-use solution.

Needs a HHRS01-1005 power brick and a C13 country-specific cable to work.


  • Up to five stations can be connected to each other in order to create a 20 slot charging station, using only one power brick.


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